Summer 2014

You can find some of the most recent updates over at the PsychoNot Art page now! Image pages will still be updated regularly, but I'll be attending to the front page here a bit less going forward, due to how active it's been with the Bunk and PsychoNot Art/Music projects lately.

Also, don't forget that PsychoNot Art now has an ETSY Store, full of all kinds of goodies - Thanks!

- MJ

Winter 2014

I'm thickly entrenched in hibernation season, and it's been keeping me busy with plenty of comic and music projects, along with a cover project design for my band, The Protons. I'll post images and samples as time allows.

With some writing assistance from my buddy Bill, I've put together an ash-can comic titled Bunk-ish, which I'll be selling cheap at any future comic events I take part in. In addition, issues #1 and #2 of Bunk have been written, drawn and printed. Issue #3 is already spinning amongst the cobwebs - can't wait to dump it out onto some bristol paper! The characters are starting to take off on there own, so it's a lot of fun to put my free time into. I'll post samples when possible, but it's always good to check out the PsychoNot Art website to see what's most current.

- MJ

Spring/Summer 2013

As the weather improves, I decided it best to do a website update sooner than later, before I get distracted and end up waiting for much too long. Things have been very busy, especially with the completion of Bunk #0. Next issue is slated for release in August, so get hip to it now before it becomes wicked popular and you end up trying to catch up before the summer blockbuter movie adaptation is slated for release.

In the music world, The Pink Snowflakes album "Exiled to the Planet" is currently being mastered, so I'll be sure to include some links to where it can be purchased, in the next website update. I believe that there's talk of doing a Bandcamp name-your-price approach, in addition to normal online distribution to iTunes/Spotify/Amazon, etc. There will be links posted once it comes to that point, tentatively in early Summer. All very exciting stuff!

Also, a couple of short comics have been added (as PDFs) to the personal artwork section of the site, too. Enjoy!

- MJ

Winter 2012/2013

I missed my falltime update, regrettably. However, if you're just reading this now, you never knew. I victimize myself through full-disclosure pretty much all the time.....

Anywhoo, the last season has been spent in the first third of a certificate program for comics, held at the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC) here in Portland. It's been an awesome experience working on comics alongside a number of other local talents. It did make me realize that my site is missing a section for such content, so I believe I'll plan on adding a "comic" section to the site in the next update. I made a few short comics during the semester that'd be great to include here online. I'll probably also add a few scans from my sketchbook soon, since I haven't updated the personal artwork section in a few months.

Through some work within the comic program, I've fleshed out more for the Bunk comic. I'll be aiming for a first release at some point in Summer 2013. Details will follow, but it will be made available online for purchase at that time on the PsychoNot Art website.

I recently uploaded some pictures from the Falltime on my Shutterfly site, so please feel free to check out. I tend to take more pictures in the better weather, so that'll likely be my last update there for a few months.

As far as design projects, I'm working on the cover design work for my band The Pink Snowflakes's upcoming album, titled Exiled to the Planet. Mixing has been completed, which is AMAZING for my mental health.....Recording had started in September 2009, so this has been a long-time coming. I look forward to sharing some of the psychedelic bliss found on this project soon.

Winter is a great time for taking inventory and working out more creative projects, so I'm sure the next update will have plenty to go along with it.

- MJ